Noh Youngsuk
ㄴㅇㅅ was born in South Korea, living in Germany.
Noh, Youngsuk is born on October 15, 1989 in Seoul, South Korea. Her parents loved to take photos and she used to be a model. It was 2005 that a small mobile phone with a high quality of camera function equipped led her life into a photographer. Going through a tough period of puberty, she decided to study photography at Sangmyung University. In the beginning of her career, she worked as a journalist at Photo Plus, photography magazine, for two years. She traveled to Europe for six month afterward, and continued writing articles about photography at Digital Camera Magazine (DCM). She developed her unique photographical works in parallel with her jobs. In 2017, she got accepted at Dortmund Fachhochschule to study master degree of photography.
Her main theme comes from “problems” surrounding her daily business, family, friends and living environments. She defines it as “Relations”. In her early twenties, she addressed topics related to “Ego”. The focus turned to “My-self or Self-consciousness” and further developed to redefine “Relations” associating with her entire life. Photography is a starting point/basis in her every work, which is an expression of memory and record.

2008 한국일보 스토리사진공모전 입선
2011 한국 장애인사진공모전 입선
2012 상명 재단 젊은 작가상
2012 제6회 2030 청년작가 10인
2019.04 Das Thema des Fremder, Revierpark Vonderort, 독일
2012.06 한국 장애인사진공모전 단체전, 상명 아트홀 갤러리
2012.11 젊은작가상, 상명 디자인 센터 갤러리
2012.11 제26회 상명대 사진영상미디어학과 졸업전시회, 서울미술관
2013.01 제6회 2030 청년작가 10인, 토포하우스
2018.07 제 49회 프랑스 아를 국제사진전, Voies Off - Variante #6
2020.11 Re:vue 가상 현실 전시, www.revue-photo.net
2020.11 Harita Moonrider Arts 오픈 전시, Harita Moonrider Arts, 프라이부르크
2021.03 Over the Structure, CICA 미술관
2015 선물우체통
Hyein Lee, Hoomyeong Yoon, Joowan Jang, Youngsuk Noh
etc. 35 co- author
Editor Hyeonlim Sin
Verlage Sagwakkoch(Koreanisch 사과꽃)
2008 Hankook newspaper's Story photo participation prize
2011 Korea Disabled Peoples' photo competition participation prize
2012 Young Artist prize from Sang Myeong Stiftung
2012 The 6th 2030 Young Artist 10
Solo Exhibition
2019.04 Das Thema des Fremder, Revierpark Vonderort, Germany
Group Exhibition
2012.06 Korea Disabled Peoples' photo competition, Sangmyeong Arthall Gallery
2012.11 Young Artist prize, Sangmyeong Design Center Gallery
2012.11 26th Graduate Exhibition of Sang-Myeong Univ., Seoul Gallery
2013.01 The 6th 2030 Young Artist 10, Topohaus Gallery
2018.07 Arles International Photography Festival <Voies Off - Variante #6>, La Marseillaise, 57 Rue Condorcet, 13200 Arles, France
2020.11 Re:vue virtual exhibition, www.revue-photo.net
2020.11 Harita Moonrider Arts opening exhibition, Harita Moonrider Arts
2021.03 Over the Structure, CICA Museum